Removing Pond Weeds When There is a Current
Herbicides need time to work, so for ponds with a high water replacement rate they are often ineffective. So, what’s a pond owner to do?
Herbicides need time to work, so for ponds with a high water replacement rate they are often ineffective. So, what’s a pond owner to do?
One of the key elements of a healthy pond is aeration. Some ponds are already naturally aerated, but others may need a little help.
Not every pond can support trout. Determining whether your pond will be a suitable habitat is very important before you decide to stock them.
It's always important to be aware of what is happening in your community, so you may have a threatening neighbor you didn't know about.
If every pond owner has a different idea for their pond, how can we say that removing dead vegetation is the right move for everyone?
Harrietta Hills wants to make sure you know how our trout have been handled on the way to your dinner table.
You want to know what is the most effective use of your time and resources, and it’s our job to help you find the best pond solution!
Knowing the surface area and volume of your pond is necessary information to add pond chemicals, dyes or even to properly aerate your water.
“What fish should I stock in my pond?” Let’s take a quick look at common pond-stocking fish, and what conditions are suitable for them!