3/4 HP High Volume Rotary Vane Aeration System


SKU: SPA75W Category:


This 3/4 HP High Volume Rotary Vane Aeration System is recommended for ponds from 2 to 4 acres in size. The rotary vane compressor technology produces high volume of air at water depths up to 18 feet. This pond aeration kit includes a high quality Gast 3/4 HP Rotary Vane compressor, four valved outlets (to control air flow to individual diffusers), four double-membrane air diffusers, check valves, underlayment, 600 ft of weighted tubing, fittings, and tubing clamps.

Draws 12 Amps (115v) and generates 9.5 CFM of air.

Additional information

Weight 377 lbs

115v, 230v