1 HP High Volume Rotary Vane Aeration System


SKU: SPA100W Category:


This 1 HP High Volume Rotary Vane Aeration System is recommended for ponds and lakes up to 8 acres in size. The rotary vane compressor produces a high volume of air at water depths up to 18 feet. This pond and lake aeration kit includes a high quality Gast 1 HP Rotary Vane compressor, six valved outlets (to control air flow to ea individual diffuser), six double-membrane air diffusers, check valves, underlayment, 800 ft of weighted tubing, fittings, and tubing clamps.

Draws 7 Amps (115v) and generates 13.5 CFM of air.

Additional information

Weight 496 lbs

115v, 230v