Stocking Lakes with Fish

How stocking lakes with fish promotes healthy and organic growth
Thinking about the health of your lake or pond? Stocking lakes with fish is one way to promote healthy and organic growth, is good for the ecosystem, and allows for you to enjoy your lake or pond in the way nature intended. Unfortunately with a rise in air pollution and pesticides, rain has damaging chemicals that enter our natural water bodies and can negatively impact these micro-ecosystems, and in turn our eco-system as a whole. But at Harrietta Hills, we are committed to education, products, and practices that preserve and promote the natural growth and care of our lakes and ponds, to help Mother Nature get back on track.
The fish stocking process is one way to help both preserve and promote environmental health.
Environmental Preservation & Promotion
No matter if you’re here because you have a pond or lake on your property, proper water management includes the wildlife that would occur most naturally, if it weren’t for the damaging effects of toxic elements and the imbalance they trigger.
For example, it can keep you from seeing from an overgrowth of unsightly and invasive aquatic weeds which can further upset the balance in the organic make-up of the water. With an overgrowth, sunlight can be impaired and the healthy plants and small aquatic animals that feed on the healthy plants will suffer. In addition to the water itself, plants and animals all play a part. Pond stocking can help preserve and bring back the natural elements.
Along with pond stocking, lake stocking can also help to support natural habitats and species that call the water their home, but are attracted to it for feeding purposes. Birds and land mammals are all part of the delicate balance that is a lake or pond, and a big part of preserving and promoting a healthy eco-system is having both an adequate number of fish, and the right species, in our lakes and ponds.
Enter Harrietta Hills. We specialize in the production of Rainbow trout, Brook trout, Brown trout, Largemouth Bass, Hybrid Bluegill, Yellow Perch, Channel Catfish and Fathead Minnows.
Giving Ponds and Lakes A Fresh Start
Whether you are jump-starting a man-made pond or rehabilitating a natural one, you want to make sure the health of the fish you add are of the highest quality.
At Harrietta Hills, we take great pride in the quality and health of our fish. Let us know if you have any questions at all about the fish stocking process, because we’ve been studying and perfecting it since the 1950s!
As one of Michigan’s best fish stocking farms, we’re a family owned and operated aquaculture facility. The time and experience we’ve invested in the quality of our fish will save your pond or lake in the long run.
Before stocking lakes with fish, you first must determine whether or not you need a permit to do so. For more on that, click here.
We’re committed to quality and the health and enjoyment of these natural water habitats. We’ve got you covered, whether you have zero, moderate, or vast experience stocking lakes! With fish, you can make very costly mistakes, but don’t worry, we’ll do our very best to educate and support you along the way no matter your experience level.
For example, with fish that are newly being introduced, there are a lot of considerations. Do they have access to the right nutrients or will supplementation feeding be necessary to get them started? How can you tell? Is their food getting enough sunlight to grow, or is there a deficiency that needs to be addressed? Again, how can you tell? Will fish larvae have adequate spots within the pond or lake to grow and safely reach maturity? What can be done to the natural habitat or added to help with this? For more information, visit our Pond Learning Center.
Perhaps you’re seasoned with water management experience but have just purchased new land with a water feature. We can come to you for a pond or lake consultation and evaluation and help you get sorted on an ongoing plan and talk through our catalog of products. In fact, in addition to stocking lakes with fish, our team is available for a wide range of aquatic services. For more of what we do and how we can help you, please call us at 877-389-2514 or request a free catalog here or are a seasoned pro, we have your food, feed, and habitat needs covered.