Fall is the perfect time to stock your pond. Cooler temperatures mean less stress on fish during transportation and makes it easier for the fish to acclimate to your pond. This fall, we have a variety of species available for order.
Available for Pre-order:
Walleye are a popular game fish that is native in Michigan. Walleye are best suited to large, deep bodies of water that remain fairly cool. They are voracious predators and require a very robust forage base of fathead minnows, bass, perch, and bluegills to thrive. Walleye stocking densities must be quite light, not more than 25 per surface acre. Well-aerated ponds may be able to hold walleye, but forage may be difficult to maintain in small waters.
Black Crappie
Black Crappie are a large member of the sunfish family. Like others in this family, they are prolific spawners if they have the correct conditions. They must be balanced with a robust population of larger predators such as bass and catfish. Generally recommended for stocking in larger ponds and lakes at about 100-200 per surface acre
Currently Available:
Rainbow Trout
Rainbow trout are a hardy fish, but they thrive in cooler water. If you are thinking about stocking your pond with trout, it is important to make sure that the temperature of the top 6 inches of your pond never gets above 70 degrees Fahrenheit for more than a few hours at a time, and the ideal temperature for trout is between 45 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This is often best accomplished if you have a spring or stream fed pond, ensuring a constant influx of water with a regulated temperature. Trout are also a lot of fun to fish for, and have a mild flavor that makes them a favorite for many.
Hybrid Sunfish (Bluegill)
Hybrid Sunfish, often called Hybrid Bluegill, are a cross between a female Green Sunfish and a male Bluegill. This cross results in a very high percentage of male fish, reducing the reproductive potential of the population. This results in greater growth rates and reduces the opportunity for over-population. These fish are strong feeders, so a robust forage base is necessary. Hybrid Sunfish are generally stocked at a rate of 500 per surface acre. We recommend stocking some Largemouth Bass along with your Hybrid Sunfish to control any future reproduction and avoid over-population and stunting.
Largemouth Bass
Largemouth Bass are one of the most sought after of gamefish. Largemouth are also well suited to most ponds and lakes in the Great Lakes region. Largemouth are tremendous predators and require large amounts of forage to thrive, therefore they are often used to control bluegill populations. We generally recommend 100 bass per surface acre in ponds with regular bluegill and 75 per acre in Hybrid Sunfish ponds. Largemouth will reproduce in most ponds but require other predators (like bluegill) to regulate the bass population properly and avoid overpopulation and stunting. Stocking fathead minnows also provides an excellent forage base for bass.
Fathead Minnows
Fathead Minnows are an economical forage species to add to almost any pond or lake. These small forage fish spawn prolifically, usually reproducing several times during the summer if conditions are right. Placing any type of woody structure in shallow water will improve their spawning success. Generally stocking 24-40 pounds per surface acre will establish a population, stock up to 100 pounds per acre if you have a large number of bass, or another established predator population.
Channel Catfish
Channel Catfish are omnivores that can add some variety to your pond. Prized as a sport fish and table fare in many areas of the country, the channel cat can be a welcome addition to your pond. Because they tend to stir up the bottom of the pond, we recommend stocking 50-100 per surface acre to maintain water clarity. If your goal is a catfish pond, stock fertile water with up to 200 per surface acre. Please note that channel catfish DO NOT “clean up” pond bottoms. Their feeding habits lead them to stir around in bottom sediments, but they do not clean the bottom.
Call us toll free at (877) 389-2514 to place an order, or for more information and advice on how to stock your pond to best meet your expectations.