1/4 HP High Volume Rotary Vane Aeration System


SKU: SPA50W Category:


This unit is an excellent pond aeration system for small to medium ponds. The 1/4 HP  High Volume Rotary Vane Aeration System in this kit pumps much more air than the 1/4 HP rocking piston air compressor. Suitable for ponds from 1 to 2 acres. Operates in up to 18 feet of water.

This pond aeraton kit includes high quality Gast 1/4 HP rotary vane compressor, two double-membrane air diffusers with check valves, two valved outlets (to control airflow to each diffuser), 200 ft. of 1/2″ poly tubing, underlays, fittings, and tubing clamps.

Optional Weighted Tubing keeps tube on pond bottom and out of sight! Select option above.

Draws 5 Amps (115v) and generates 4.2 CFM of air.

Additional information

Weight 78 lbs

115v, 230v


Poly, Weighted